Learn Billings

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The Billings Ovulation Method® is a cervical mucus-only method of charting. If you are interested in learning a symptothermal approach with me, check out my SymptoPro course.

What is the Billings Ovulation Method®?

Billings is a cervical mucus-only method of Fertility Awareness (also known as Natural Family Planning). It is a system of determining a couple's real time fertility and infertility based primarily on sensation at the vulva observed throughout the day. Billings can be used for avoiding or achieving pregnancy and health monitoring. The method originated in the 1950s and 60s under the leadership of Drs. John and Evelyn Billings and evolved to its current form over the next forty years of continued research. Modern Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) have proven to be up to 99%+ effective with perfect use.

For more information, check out the BOMA-USA FAQs.

What is Involved?

This 1-on-1 course consists of:

Spouses/Partners are encouraged to attend.

"What is the daily routine?"

"Is this course right for me?"

What is included?

After your registration is complete, I will send you a Client Packet with paper charts (digital charting options also available) and review booklet.

What is the Investment?

First time clients can register for $250. Returning clients, please email me for rates.

If this would cause you undue hardship at this time, please email me for a scholarship application.